Sunday, October 5, 2008

Um, cleanse? Anyone?

Mike and Denise,

I need an update on your cleansing activities.

If I do not have a written update on my desk by 9AM Eastern Time, Monday morning, I'm going to force-feed myself an egg salad sandwich with Velveeta on buttered Wonder bread with a side order of goose schmaltz and a nice, cold chocolate brownie frappucino (with a coupla shots of Kahlua to make the subway trip bearable).

Very best regards,

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

"Caffeine and Sugar: Why These Energy Boosters Are Poor Substitutes for Sleep"

Best line: "Caffeine is a sleep stealer." "Still, for some insomniacs, the need for caffeine is so great that they will sacrifice their sleep in order to stay alert during the day—creating a vicious cycle of sleeplessness." Sounds like someone I know (read: am).

As we reach the halfway point...

... it behooves us to remember the important things in life. Thus, in the spirit of motivation, I submit to you the following:

As the picture says -- what's not to like?


Day 9

L'Shana Tova, y'all.

It's Day 9 and I can't believe it... 9 days without meat eggs milk cheese dairy wheat gluten sugar nightshades (?) white rice noodles steak chicken turkey cake cupcakes chocolate liquor beer wine coffee espresso venti doppio americano decaf champagne sake port bread jam butter cookies m&ms candy soda diet-soda seltzer lox prosciutto pizza jigae... you name it, we ain't eatin' it.

But man, do I feel good. Pretty good. Gives you a fresh canvas, a fresh opportunity to take stock of yourself. It's most interesting to see how... SAME I am, in light of all this cleansing. To see how many of the things that were there, are still there -- the joy, the anxiety, the fear, the love, the passion. They're all still there. Yes, even the negative things.

That's the point. It's like with Mike and my joint problem of staying up late, thinking that the later you stay up, the more likely you are to "win" (win
what? we've never been able to figure that out...). When you just take it all away, all the chemicals and all the delusions and all the games, you're still there. Same as you always were. And the problems are still there, and the joys, too. There's more clarity and space to work on them.

I'm surprised that more therapists don't recommend a cleanse like this as a mandatory part of their regimens. Talk about putting you in a better place to work on yourself!

One of the coolest things: I'm getting my wish... my wish of having a few minutes back inside mySelf from 20 years ago. It's a physiological time machine. I genuinely feel -- especially on Saturday morning when I can squeeze my head in the crack between the mattress and the headboard and sleep a little bit later, protected like that -- like I'm a little kid again.

It's a detox time machine.


Sunday, September 28, 2008

Cleanse photos -- foooooooooooooood!

Here we go! xo g+j

Just Korean pepper, sesame seeds, scallions, garlic, and I think vinegar. That's all.

Mix for the mung bean "pancakes" ... mung beans, garlic, onion, a little pepper.

The mung bean pancakes, with some vegan kimchi built in!

Bhutanese red rice.

Many veggie dishes -- red Swiss chard, and others.

Our spectrum of grains -- buckwheat, brown Basmati rice, hearty red lentils, Bulgar wheat... and some dates up there too.

Pomegranate, oranges, and some Asian pears from the local green market.

Pears, an avodaco, and ginger. Some random greens back there, too.

Place looks like an assembly line! New juicer, our Cuisinart, a blender, a rice cooker...

Talk about an assembly line... how does Joohee do it??????

Unreal shopping these days: bean sprouts, greens, scallions, cucumbers, fruits, watermelon, kabocha, etc, etc...

A mushroom medly that even MIKE would like.

Delicious salad -- so simple! -- lettuce and an amazing, tart sesame seed dressing that Joohee came up with.

Bowl! This is what we eat many nights -- a little head of barley or quinoa, with these different veggie dishes that Joohee makes: spicy bean sprouts, salted greens lightly braised, mushroom medly, cucumber with vinegar and spice, unreal stuff.

A couple of our "banchan" (the Korean word for side dishes to a main meal)... Korean food lends itself very well to this cleanse.

Shake it up

Just made a little mini-shake for Joohee and myself: homemade almond milk, a few cocoa beans, some spearmint leaves, a couple of plump sweet dates, some maca powder, a tiny pinch of salt, and ice... holy crap! Unreal. Just like the one from Cafe Gratitude!

OK, back to work,
g + j

Friday, September 26, 2008

Everything is on the Internets

So, after I just finished my post, I decided to put the terms "world's healthiest food" into Google, just for shits and giggles.

And whaddya know, there's a website and book all about the world's healthiest food.

Goddam Google, know-it-all bastards.