Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Day 3, CleanseWatch

One of the keys of the cleanse is to drink lots of water during the day. During the work it's relativey easy because at my desk most of the time drinking out of my liter-sized glass milk bottle (Claravale Farms, Watsonville, CA).

The hard part, ironically, is on the weekend. Denise and I go out either bring nothing or just a little bit of water. We're more physically active, but drink a lot less water. Short of creating hourly alerts to remind myself to drink water, what would be a good way to drink as much water on weekends as during weekdays?

1 comment:

gabriel said...

Let me quote from Old School:

MITCH: [sitting in back seat] Hey excuse me... mister, the seatbelt seems to be broken back here, what do you suggest I do?
TAXI DRIVER: I *suggest* you stop being such a faggot. You're in the back seat. Relax!

What I'm saying is, how about just REMEMBERING TO DRINK WATER? Ass.

LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!,