Friday, September 26, 2008


Our sister, Jennifer, was over last night, and Joohee and I were finishing our delicious veggie dinner [NOTE: A lot of the food we're eating on the cleanse is satisfying specifically because it is very similar to a lot of the Korean food that we love -- we get our raw foods (juices, nut milk [heh], etc.) in the morning for the most part, and the evenings are some raw/some cooked, but lots of great Korean flavors and spices], and I opened a bottle of tequila just to see what it smelled like after 5 days of not drinking:

It smelled like poison.

I was... shocked, sort of. It really, genuinely smelled like poison, like kerosene or something that should have had a "Mr. Yuck" sticker on it. Like something you'd find under the sink.

Now, I know that it would've (arguably) tasted delicious, especially in a mixed drink -- or would it? Isn't it all really poison to some degree, the alcohol itself, that is? Wine and beer are so damned different -- there is an alcohol content but it's more vital as a "flavor" than as the main ingredient (flashback to drinking grain alcohol while holding my nostrils closed... WOW...). Liquor? Shit's just poison, man. Still, I'll always love it... but I just don't MISS it. I miss being buzzed, I miss being drunk, but only in the abstract, as I would miss any habit until it's long enough to be really rid of it.

Well, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it. M&D, how are thee?


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